v1.0.0 - The v9 Update
This was initially planned to be released as v0.1.0, but I decided to release this as v1.0.0 because of backwards compatibility and the fact that this is the first update that you can actually make bots that people can easily access with.
Added logging to Bot
Added SlashCommands
Added ApplicationCommands as a Template for a future update
Added MessageComponent
Added ActionRow, Button, SelectMenu as a Template for a future update
Added InteractionClient
Updated Bot to include Sequencing
Fixed login delay
Added Interaction
Bot object
Added debug mode (default false) to the constructor
Added sequencing to the Bot
Patched the login delay (#start() taking a long time to load) and now defaults to 3 seconds
SlashCommand object
Added all properties
Component object
Added all properties
Interaction object
Added all properties
Added #createResponse()
Added #createFollowupMessage()
Added #editResponse()
Added #editFollowupMessage()
Added #deleteResponse()
Added #deleteFollowupMessage()
Added #init()
Added #createCommand()
Added #getCommands()
Added #deleteCommand()
Added #editCommand()
A bunch of other placeholder files have also been created.
Last updated